Sunday, September 30, 2012


In writing up our 1-pager on Personal Info Economy (which we affectionately now call PIE), I was reminded that there are still many things I don't know.

  • All these apps - Personal, iAllow, Klout, Ghostery...they indicate an imbalance of control and value. But how useful are they really? And how many people take advantage of these services? Are the numbers growing? They seem so trivial compared to the enormous and still relatively unknown data marketplace.
  • If these small steps are unsuccessful at creating change, then where is the real opportunity space for PIE? Is it to create more iAllows? Or is it up to government to create real rules and policies that ensure a balanced economy?
  • After the privacy battles that Twitter and other social sites have faced, how involved do we really want government to be? What policies are necessary and which are not?

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